Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 2399 on September 30, 2020, which extended the definitions for Paid Family Leave under Sections 3302 and 3307 of the Unemployment Insurance Code to include additional coverage for active military members and their families. The existing state Paid Family Leave program provided wage replacement benefits to workers who take time
Jessica C. Gregg
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CAFA Amount In Controversy Is Not Limited To Damages Incurred Prior To Removal And Includes Future Attorneys’ Fees Recoverable By Statute Or Contract
By Jessica C. Gregg & Jackson Lewis P.C. on
Posted in Class Actions
In Fritsch v. Swift Transp. Co. of Ariz., LLC, No. 18-55746 (Aug. 18, 2018), the Ninth Circuit clarified, in a unanimous published decision, that, where a party may recover its attorney’s fees by statute or contract, the Court must include future fees as well as those already incurred in assessing whether a case meets…
California: What Happens In Mediation Stays (Confidential) In Mediation
By Joel P. Kelly & Jessica C. Gregg on
Posted in General, Privacy, Social Media and Technology
An amendment to Section 1122 of the California Evidence Code on mediation confidentiality requires attorneys representing clients in connection with mediation to provide written disclosures to their clients about mediation confidentiality beginning January 1, 2019.
California law and public policy provide that all communications that take place in anticipation of and at mediation are confidential.