Jackson Lewis’ Heath Havey will be speaking  on “Talent Mobility: Cross-Border Employment Law Issues + Compliance” at the October 1, 2014 Innovative Global Business Strategy: Utilizing Strategic Talent Mobility to Add Value to Your Workforce Conference in San Diego.

Whether you are the CEO, CMO, CHRO, VP of HR, HR practitioner, head of a function or department, a management consultant, in-house mobility manager, realtor relocation director, or an entrepreneur, you likely have dealt with and/or managed people or processes related to international business and going global.

We invite you to participate and join the conversation. We’re pleased to announce that Jackson Lewis has a free passes available on a first-come, firse-served basis and can extend a heavily discounted registration  to interested parties when those passes are claimed. E-mail Rachel De Dora at rachel.dedora@jacksonlewis.com to inquire about a conference pass.

Please visit the conference website for more information: http://www.globalbusinessnews.net/conf.asp?cid=312