In 2018, California law extended anti-harassment training requirements to employers with 5 employees or more and mandated that non-supervisors also receive such training, in addition to supervisors. The original deadline for completion of that training was January 1, 2020. Current California law requires employers with 5 or more employees to provide one (1) hour of
SB 1343
Does Your Sexual Harassment Training Video or Instructor Make Participants Bored or Sleepy?
By Pamela Palpallatoc on
Posted in Harassment, Workplace Training
To ensure your business complies with the law and gets a dose of wellness, Jackson Lewis attorney Pamela Palpallatoc, RYT 200, and certified OfficeYogaTM instructor provides sexual harassment training integrated with yoga stretching, breathing and meditation. Yoga mats, fancy yoga pants, and sweating are all optional. Pamela has experience teaching in workplaces, where…
New California Law Requires Sexual Harassment Prevention Training for Supervisors and Non-Supervisors
By Susan E. Groff & Jackson Lewis P.C. on
Posted in Harassment, Workplace Training
California employers with at least five employees must provide sexual harassment prevention training and education to all supervisory employees and non-supervisory employees in California by January 1, 2020.
Since 2005, employers with at least 50 employees have been required to train and educate all personnel in supervisory positions in California in the prevention of sexual…