On July 16, 2018, Governor Brown signed into law SB 1500 which expanded protections for members of the Armed Forces of the United States and to members of the Federal Reserve components of the Armed Forces.
The new law makes clear that no business and other covered establishments may deny a member of the Armed Forces of the United States entrance when they are wearing their uniform. In the news, there have been different stories of businesses choosing to deny service or entrance for certain reasons. This new California law has made it clear that a business cannot deny entrance merely because a member of the Armed Forces is wearing their uniform.
This law also extends protections from discrimination, including discharge from employment, to members of the Federal Reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States and members of the State Military Reserve. California law already protects members of the military or naval forces of the state or of the United States or a person ordered to military duty or training or by reason of being a member of the military or naval forces of the state or U.S.
Employers who regularly deal with the public and others may consider notifying their supervisors and employees about this new development. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Jonathan A. Siegel or the Jackson Lewis attorney you normally deal with.