Under Cal/OSHA’s COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS), employers are mandated to have a written COVID-19 Prevention Program. In light of the recent revisions to the ETS, Cal/OSHA has released an updated model prevention program. The updated program includes directives for vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals such as face-covering requirements. The new model program also includes an appendix for documentation of employee’s COVID-19 vaccination status.
While the model prevention program is very detailed, employers will still need to conduct a workplace-specific evaluation to ensure they are appropriately addressing the hazards facing their workforce. Employers can find fact sheets and links to Cal/OSHA’s FAQs about the ETS on the COVID-19 Prevention Emergency Temporary Standards page.
If you have need assistance in updating your COVID-19 Prevention Program or related workplace safety issues, please reach out to the Jackson Lewis attorney with whom you often work or any member of our Workplace Safety and Health Team.