As part of the recent legislative session, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill (AB) 1775, which implements new workplace safety training and certification requirements for entertainment events vendors who produce live events at public events venues.
Specifically, any business that contracts with the entertainment events vendor to set up, operate, or tear down a live event at a public events venue must require the vendor to certify in writing, for its employees and the employees of any subcontractors, the following:
(1) All employees involved in setting up, operating, or tearing down the live event at the venue have completed the Cal/OSHA-10, the OSHA-10/General Entertainment Safety training, or the OSHA-10 as applicable to their occupation. These are 10-hour training courses developed by Cal/OSHA and federal OSHA pertaining to workplace safety.
(2) Additionally, the vendor must certify one of the following:
- All department heads and leads have completed the Cal/OSHA-30, the OSHA-30/General Entertainment Safety training, or the OSHA-30, and are certified through the Entertainment Technician Certification Program relevant to the task(s) they are supervising or performing, or another certification program.
- Alternatively, the vendor can certify that its employees and any subcontractors’ employees meet the conditions for a skilled and trained workforce as that term is defined in Section 2601 of the Public Contract Code.
For purposes of these additional requirements, a “public events venue” means a state-operated fairground, county fairground, state park, California State University, University of California, or auxiliary organization-run facility that hosts live events.
The Division of Occupational Safety and Health is authorized to enforce these requirements by issuing a citation and civil penalty, subject to appeal. Nothing in AB 1775 relieves an employer from conducting any other training required by Cal/OSHA and complying with any other occupational safety and health law requirements.
If you have questions about compliance with AB 1775 or related issues please reach out to the Jackson Lewis attorney with whom you often work or any member of our Workplace Safety and Health Team.